Tuesday, March 1, 2011

World Fair Trade Day is coming up...

It is time to start organizing or searching for a fair trade event in May in celebration of World Fair Trade Day. You can coordinate a fair trade coffee and chocolate break at work, purchase some handicrafts for Mother’s Day among many other things.. To find an event near you, visit the events calendar at the Fair Trade Resource Network page,
photo courtesy of Fair Trade Resource Network

Change.org Wants US to tell Target to Stop Using Child Labour

Now that fair trade gold is certified and ready for market consumption, what a great place to start, Target. It is widely known that child labor is common practice in the gold mining industry, let’s make this fact history. Sign Change.org’s petition to tell target to choose fair trade! Change.org was successful in another recent similar campaign to ask 1-800-flowers to offer a fair trade bouquet, and they succeeded!

Why Choose Fair Trade Cocoa?

When you are at your local store and purchase a chocolate candy bar, do you every think about where and how the candy was produced? Your answer is probably no, why would you? The candy looks clean and it tastes great!
The truth is the cocoa industry is full of corruption. Many cocoa business owners choose to use child labor as a primary production base. To learn more about how the cocoa industry affects people in the third world, have look at the film, The Dark Side of Chocolate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y882AajKo1s